Employer of Record

If you want to hire employees who will work from Bulgaria, but don’t want to deal with the expense and complexities of opening and maintaining your own entity there, we can provide you with the legal option to add them to a local Bulgarian payroll.

We’ll manage the employment process and compliance with local labor laws. Our accountant will process the monthly salary, tax, benefits, social and other required contributions as well as all required monthly and yearly payroll documents.

The individuals will be assigned to work on your team, working on your company’s behalf exactly as if they were your in house employees.

Employer of Record (EOR) service is different from nearshoring as it is just transactional and we won’t have any direct contact with your hires, only with you and/or your finance team.

You can present us with employees you’ve already recruited or you could use our recruiting service to find them.

You’ll transfer the funds for the salary, tax, benefits, social and other contributions to us each month in advance of the pay date. Generally, we recommend budgeting 20% on top of the gross salary to calculate the total employee cost including all contributions in Bulgaria.

We charge a monthly processing fee per employee for the EOR service.



