Your Hiring Partner

Experienced Recruiters and Remote Work Experts

Silvina and Lauren are the co-founders of Tiltpoint. Between them they’ve recruited and led development teams internally and externally for companies in the start-up, tech, new media, marketing, financial services, banking, biopharmaceutical, government and non-profit sectors in Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Bulgaria, the United States and Asia.

They started the company together to provide solutions for staffing and employment challenges their colleagues were facing. Silvina was consistently hearing that software developers in her home country of Bulgaria were finding it difficult to connect with the international companies they want to work for. Lauren was constantly trying to help her tech company colleagues in the US and Western Europe find ways to circumvent the talent gaps in their oversaturated markets.

Their combined tech leadership experience, Lauren’s human resources background and Silvi’s extensive personal network of tech specialists has proven to be a perfect mix for providing high value to clients and candidates.

They also each have experience as leaders implementing remote work strategies, directly managing remote teams and working remotely themselves.  Between them, they have over 10 years as remote work leaders and more than 1000 hours of leading remote trainings, meetings and presentations.  You can check out their bios below.

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Silvina Furnadzhieva

Silvina is an entrepreneur who has founded successful remote based software development and productivity companies. She’s a pillar of the Bulgarian tech community and their go to remote work expert. Her experience and thought leadership are trusted by Forbes Bulgaria and Bulgarian National Television.

She has more than 10 years experience in tech leadership, project management and web development. Silvina has recruited and led remote teams with members spanning multiple continents while working with Waterfall, Agile, Scrum and Kanban.

Silvina has promoted civil rights and tech access as a volunteer developer, non-profit board member and as part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Libraries initiative. 

Find her at


Lauren Phillips

Lauren is a Human Resources Director with more than 15 years of leadership experience in tech and start-up human resources management with a track record of building and scaling successful tech and biopharmaceutical companies. 

She has a reputation for forming and leading high performing teams and designing cultures that people feel empowered and comfortable working in.  She’s recognized for being relentless in her pursuit of achieving business objectives while keeping an intense focus on upholding company values.

Lauren spent three years as a digital nomad, consulting remotely and mentoring women in tech. She’s a human rights activist and offers pro bono consulting for humanitarian relief focused non-profits.

Find her at

A Tiltpoint is a game changer.

We can be yours. Let’s work together to make it happen!