Privacy Statement

Tiltpoint Ltd. and its subsidiaries ("Tiltpoint”) respects your privacy and we acknowledge that you have certain rights related to any personal information we collect from you and we have certain obligations in respect of the same. Tiltpoint supports the various international and local privacy laws, and has procedures in place to meet the requirements of those laws. 

This Privacy Statement supports our privacy principles and informs you about our practices for gathering, storing, and using the personal information of individuals who use our website, apply for or use our employment or outsourcing services, and those who are representatives of our customers (including prospective customers), service providers, and suppliers. 

We encourage you to review this information so that you may understand how we collect, use, and share your personal information. 

If you have questions, please contact us at

Information We Collect

Tiltpoint collects, stores, and uses personal data to provide our recruiting, employment, outsourcing, and consulting services. We collect personal data about individuals who use our websites, apply for employment or engagement with us, or placement by us through our recruitment services, employees, and those who are representatives of our customers (including prospective customers). Tiltpoint does not knowingly direct its services or obtain information from children under age 13.

Most of this data is provided by you directly when you contact us, submit an application, attend an in-person recruiting event, through phone conversations, contact us about our services, or during your outsourcing or employment relationship.

We also collect data about individuals who are employed or engaged by our customers in connection with our provision of outsourcing and consulting services to those customers.  This is generally obtained through our interactions with customers, suppliers, and service providers.

When you interact with a Tiltpoint website or application, we collect data related to how you interact with that service by, for example, our use of cookies placed on your device.

We have set out further details below on the types of personal data we collect, store, and use and the reasons we use your personal data. 

Why We Use Your Information

We will use your personal data where:

  • you have given your consent to the relevant processing activity for the purposes of which we have informed you. Where this is the case, you always have the right to withdraw that consent;

  • it is necessary for the performance of and compliance with your employment contract or other applicable engagement contract with us or in order to take steps prior to entering into that contract or another contract with you;

  • we need to process your information in order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation (for example, complying with duties under employment, social security, social protection, and tax legislation for example, complying with our obligations under equality legislation or in relation to statutory sickness or maternity rights);

  • exceptionally it is necessary for vital interests relating to you or another person (for example, avoiding serious risk of harm to you or others); or

  • it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) provided that our legitimate interests are not overridden by your interests or rights which require protection of your data.

We will use special categories of personal data where:

  • you have provided your explicit consent. Where this is the case, you always have the right to withdraw that consent;

  • we need to do so to carry out our legal obligations (e.g. in the context of employment, social security and social protection law, or for a collective agreement) for example, complying with our obligations under equality legislation or in relation to statutory sickness or maternity rights;

  • it is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims;

  • it is necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine, for the assessment of your working capacity, medical diagnosis, or provision of health care (for example, in relation to Occupational Health referrals and reports);

  • where it is needed for reasons of substantial public interest, such as for equal opportunities monitoring;

  • exceptionally, where it is necessary for vital interests relating to you or another person (for example, avoiding serious risk of harm to you or others) and where you are not capable of giving consent; or

  • where you have already made the relevant personal information public.

We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal information for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

Legitimate Interests

As mentioned above, we can, sometimes, use your personal information where this is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party). This includes where use of your personal information is necessary to:

  • ensure effective administration and management of your employment or engagement, benefits, management of the business, and business continuity;

  • ensure our assets are protected, kept confidential, and not used for inappropriate or unlawful purposes;

  • prevent, detect, or investigate unauthorized use of our systems and ensure we comply with law and our policies;

  • ensure we can contact you or your family in the case of an emergency;

  • check you are legally entitled to work, manage performance, discipline, and promotion processes;

  • manage training and development requirements;

  • maintain product development and enhancement, along with effective marketing through analytics;

  • deal with disputes and accidents and take legal or other professional advice;

  • comply with another country’s laws and regulations;

  • prevent fraud and financial crime; and

  • ensure network and information security.

If you would like further information on our legitimate interests as applied to your personal information, please contact us.

Failure to provide information where required

Where we are requesting information from you in order to employ or engage you, or in order to place or job-match you, if you do not provide the information that we have identified as required we may be unable to properly assist with your request for employment, placement, or job-matching to be performed by Tiltpoint.

Retaining Your Information

We will retain your personal information for as long as is necessary in connection with our agreement with you, to provide you with the services requested, or for other necessary purposes such as compliance with a law, regulation, or other legal authority, or as is otherwise permitted to be maintained for other legal purposes, such as audit, security, fraud prevention, or preserving and defending Tiltpoint’s legal rights. 

Additionally, job applicants and individuals whose assignment has ended will be maintained in Tiltpoint’s talent pool to be potentially contacted about other employment opportunities. European talent pools will retain your applicant data for no longer than three years. Individuals located outside of Europe will be retained in alignment with local legal requirements, but in all cases no longer than ten years. Where applicable, Tiltpoint will remove your information from the talent pool upon verified request.

Where Your Information May Be Shared

Tiltpoint holds its employees, agents, and suppliers accountable for maintaining the trust that you place in us with your personal information.

For individuals, Tiltpoint shares the data that is necessary to perform its staffing and outsourcing services with other Tiltpoint entities, customers, suppliers, or with service providers that may be engaged to assist in managing the processes required to provide these services.

Any engagement of a customer, supplier, or service provider will be governed by appropriate contractual requirements prohibiting the use of your information for any purposes beyond those specifically directed by Tiltpoint, and requiring that they ensure sufficient administrative and technical security mechanisms are in place to prevent your information from being improperly used, disclosed, or accessed.

Your Rights and Choices

We respect your right to access and control your information. The amount of personal information you are required to supply when requesting our services is consistent with Tiltpoint’s interests in providing our services to you. Tiltpoint complies with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

We process personal data about you for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, including to provide recruitment, placement, employment or outsourcing services, operate our business, comply with our legal and contract obligations, and fulfill other legitimate interests of Tiltpoint. In most countries in which Tiltpoint has an employment contract with you, the processing of contact, payroll, and benefit information is a contractual or statutory obligation, and failure to provide information to allow processing may restrict your ability to be employed by Tiltpoint or Tiltpoint’s clients.


We record the number of visitors to the relevant sections of our website and track movement between the sections by means of “cookies.”

Cookies are small data files containing information placed on your computer and are automatically downloaded to your device in order to recognize you as someone that has visited our website previously. We use cookies that identify your browser or device. They collect and store information when you visit our website about how you use it. This data is anonymous, it cannot be used to identify you personally, and can be deleted by you at any time. If you require further information or assistance in doing so, please contact us.

Protecting Your Information

Tiltpoint takes care to secure your personal information.

We regularly monitor industry standards for securing information and review our physical, technical, and organizational security practices in order to determine how best to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, destruction, or disclosure of your personal information.

Any personal data sent to us, either in writing or e-mail, may be insecure in transit and we cannot guarantee its delivery.

Passwords must be kept confidential and not disclosed to a third party. Tiltpoint does not ask you for your password.

Updates to this Privacy Statement

Tiltpoint may update this Privacy Statement from time to time, so please review it frequently.

If we make significant changes to our Privacy Statement, we may also notify you by other means prior to the changes taking effect, such as, prominently posting a notice of such changes on our website, or by directly contacting you.

How to Contact Tiltpoint

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement, would like to exercise any of your rights under applicable data protection law, or believe that Tiltpoint has not adhered to this Privacy Statement, please e-mail us at